Here’s a photo, taken in my home art studio this afternoon, of Like Antique Shopping 100 Years from Now in progress. (For a sketch, see my art blog’s first post, from March 5, 2007.)
I’ve almost reached the halfway point. Soon, I’ll be ready to start on the patterns that will fill the painting’s background.
On the home art studio stereo: I officially have stopped listening to Of Montreal’s Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? because it had seeped far too deeply into my head, and I couldn’t get it out! The album is really, really quite good, living up to all of the hype and coverage.
To counteract the effects of Hissing Fauna, I tried playing some old punk, including The Buzzcocks’ Singles Going Steady, The Jam’s In the City, and Black Flag’s Damaged (What an album that still is!).
But I’m also very, very fond of Matthew Friedberger’s Winter Women & Holy Ghost Language School. Being a huge fan of The Fiery Furnaces, I really dig Friedberger’s solo work. He is mad, mad, mad! And his music — and the Furnaces’ — is perfect to paint along to.
Tags: in the studio