Design Inspiration: The Fire Trucks of Flughafen Stuttgart

June 22nd, 2011 | 3 Comments

I admit it: I am inspired, in a very nerdy way, by the fire trucks that zoom around Stuttgart, Germany’s international airport, Flughafen Stuttgart.

Painted from bumper to bumper in eye-piercing fluorescent red, the mammoth machines of Flughafen Stuttgart Flughafenfeuerwehr easily catch the eyes of passengers who taxi down the runway of Germany’s Swabian metropolis. These trucks are so bright, I bet they’re visible from outer space!

flughafen stuttgart flughafenfeuerwehr
flughafen stuttgart flughafenfeuerwehr
Two views of engine 7. Source for top image: Source for bottom image:

Not only do I love the fluoro-and-white paint scheme, but I also love the minimal stripes that line the sides of these trucks. What’s more, the stripes collide on each truck’s back panel, forming an angular motif accented by the awesome Flughafen Stuttgart logo and a massive Helvetica number.

I’m envious of the talented person who developed the design for these trucks, which have me thinking I wish I would have thought of that!

Side note: The fluorescent limegreen fire trucks of the Berufsfeuerwehr Flughafen Zürich are worth checking out, too. They make me want to paint exclusively in fluorescent paint from now on.