Something incredibly cool has arrived in my mailbox. Make that under my mailbox — it was too big to fit!
I just received a couple of copies of Passages, a collection of fiction, essays, and poems submitted to the Maricopa Community Colleges Creative Writing Competition. On the cover is a tightly cropped image of a painting I made back in late 2006, titled Still Life with Inverted Florida Maritime.
Left: The cover of Passages. Right: My 2006 painting Still Life with Inverted Florida Maritime.
An inventive way of introducing
the Essay section.
What’s really cool is that the book’s designer, Janet Sieradzki, isolated elements of the original design and incorporated it through the rest of the book. (I provided her with the original Illustrator file.) In other words, in the Fiction section, you’ll see a group of diamonds; Essay features a diagonal borrowed from the design’s stripes.
It’s fascinating to see how a designer can run with my work and make it new. I see my own work in a completely new way. And it’s refreshing to see my work in a completely unexpected context — a college writing contest.
Congratulations to Janet Sieradzki for doing something new with my design! Nicely done, Janet!
Tags: design
cool man! congrats 🙂 If i read words id ask to have one.
I made a blog! A first! Many thanks. I’m so glad you liked what I did.
I’m looking forward to checking out your TCA paper piece.