Yours truly, pretending to have won the award, with Spencer Hibert (right), who actually won the award. Photo expertly taken by Tara Logsdon.
I congratulate my friend (and Soyal Gallery co-director) Spencer Hibert on winning the Big Brain Award, in the category of visual arts, from the Phoenix New Times last night. The award recognizes inventive “emerging creatives” in the Greater Phoenix, Arizona area. Read about the award recipients.
I witnessed Spencer’s coronation at last night’s awards ceremony, held at Madcap Theater in Tempe — and I must say it was really a fantastic moment. I am very happy for Spencer and wish him all of the best with his artistic pursuits.
After the awards, I cajoled Spencer into taking a photograph with me, pretending to have won the award.
One of Spencer’s plastic Miigii creatures was featured on the cover of the May 20 Phoenix New Times; the article about him in that issue also mentions my solo show at Soyal Gallery: “Several of the pieces in the gallery’s first show (super-graphic paintings by Grant Wiggins) actually sold, though the two-month-old gallery’s far from becoming a Marshall Way mainstay.”
Congrats, Spencer! Awesome show! Great job!
Tags: spencer hibert